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Cu-CHA zeolite-based catalysts for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx in exhaust diesel gas: addressing the issue of Sulfur Stability …

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The Team
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The project CHASS is an industrial doctoral training programme, supported by the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-EID action, which aims to educate four PhD students. The team includes complementary expertise in catalysts characterization and testing, computational catalysis and modelling of catalysts behaviour.

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Training 4 young scientists for a NOx free diesel

The aim of the CHASS network is to educate 4 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), in a doctoral training programme, aimed at a better understanding of Cu-zeolite based catalysts for the removal of NOx from diesel exhaust gases. The objective of the programme is to develop catalysts for NOx removal by technological implementation of fundamental atomistic knowledge (UN Sustainable Development Goals 7, 9).


Università degli studi di Torino

Department of Chemistry of University of Turin

Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB

Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology Competence Centre for Catalysis


Automotive Catalysts Division at Umicore AG&Co KG

Denmark ApS

Research & Technology Automotive Catalysts at Umicore Denmark ApS

We’re all throughout Europe: European Community building with MSCA

MSCA are the EU’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. They aim to foster career development and further training of researcher, promoting internationalization of research and innovation, creating a an international community supporting mobility of scientists from not only within Europe but also across the globe.